Welcome to Our House in the City

Welcome to Our House in the City

We all have a list of things we dream of seeing, visiting, sharing, or experiencing.  Two things have been on my bucket list for some time:  living an urban lifestyle and renovating an old house.  So when Rich (my husband) and I became empty nesters, we bought a really, really, really old townhouse in an extraordinary neighborhood in Chicago.  We know some thought we were crazy and held their tongues (seriously, it was all over your faces), but others were excited and intrigued by our willingness to take such a plunge.  I’m sure there’s a litany of cocktail napkin quotes appropriate for this moment, but suffice it to say that it comes down to this:  life is short, so why not?

Chicago skyline at sunset taken from Monroe Harbor

Over the years,  Rich and I have built 2 houses and remodeled another from top to bottom.  We are DIYers at heart and enjoy sharing the success stories and laughing at the mishaps–well, maybe not laughing so much in the moment but definitely in hindsight.  Do we always get things right?  Uh, no, but the truth is that we love the journey–the learning, the adventures, and the transformation.  Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it?  It’s not.  It’s stressful, disruptive, frustrating, and messy.  So our plan is to start slowly and give our new home–a former 3-flat and rental–a ‘spit shine’ while we take time to plan (translation: to figure out where to start). 

Our new house (the left side of the building)

This new adventure comes as we face numerous changes in our lives.  As of recent, we are empty nesters (well, at least until CoVid’s emergence); we have moved parents, kids, and ourselves (5 moves total) in the past year; and I eventually would like to return to the workplace (on hold thanks to life and again to CoVid).  There’s transformation happening everywhere.  And I’ll be honest, it’s overwhelming and a bit scary.  

However, it’s exciting, too!  It’s a great time to celebrate life–a time of vibrance, opportunity, independence, and very thankfully, good health. 

So welcome to my blog–an outlet to share stories and chronicle the journey of this old house’s transformation and, I suppose, my own.  It’s a way of challenging myself creatively with things that I love–a good renovation project, photography, and learning new things, just to name a few.  I hope these escapades inspire you to set aside your apprehensions, try something new, and get a little uncomfortable, too.  Worst case, we’ll try our best and maybe learn something.  It can’t be that bad, can it?  (Yeah, I know, but please don’t spoil the moment.)

Now that I’ve shared mine, tell me what’s on your bucket list! 

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